The Role of Accounting in Corporate Governance-
Project Planning
Accounting practices are highly effective as an instrument of corporate governance. Corporations can make advantageous and intelligent decisions about how to operate when to expand and how much to invest in a project when management has accurate accounting data. For instance, accounting projections can show how cutbacks in employees and equipment can lead to short-term improvement in company profits but eventually will deplete the firm of much-needed human resources for future projects.
Public Responsibility
Unlike private companies, publicly-traded corporations have legal responsibilities to disclose their business practices to the outside world. Such corporations must release accurate and honest financial statements every three months, including the balance sheet, the income statement, and statement of shareholders' equity. Investors use these statements to decide whether to buy shares in the corporation. Government agencies also require these statements to determine if the company is disclosing its operations fully. Accounting practices are vital in producing these important statements.
Shareholder Responsibility
In addition to their responsibilities to the market and the government, corporations also are required to release detailed financial information to shareholders. Company decisions influence whether shareholders buy, hold, or sell their shares in the firm's stock. Shareholders rely on the financial statements compiled by the accounting department to make the most intelligent decisions, both for themselves and for the company.
Income Management
Nearly every decision a corporation makes depends on the quality and accuracy of its accounting data. The data help companies manage their assets, prioritize their projects, and make intelligent choices. Managers rely on accounting data to show them how much income they have, where it comes from, and when they can expect to receive it. This data informs them of when and if they can hire new employees, acquire more equipment or take on more debt.
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